欢迎来到 Yuelu District, 中国 主页. 在此页面上,您将找到有关区域、地点、地点和邻里的完整信息 Yuelu District. 一些受欢迎的地方 Yuelu District, 中国 是 Hunan University, Central South University, Hunan University of Technology and Commerce, 梅溪湖公园, Hunan First Normal University, Lushan International Experimental School, Yuelushan National Key Scenery Area (East Gate), 茉莉花国际酒店, Changsha University of Science and Technology, Changjun Bilingual Experimental School, Juzizhou Beach Recreational Park, Tianluyuan Community Park, Hunan University of Finance and Economics, WorldHotel Grand Jiaxing Hunan, Central South University, Central South University South Campus (East Gate), Central South University New Campus Library, WorldHotel Grand Jiaxing Hunan, Jasmine International Hotel, Yuelushan Ropeway, 和 Changsha West Station.
Yuelu District 是一个乐观的区域,位于 Changsha, Hunan, China, 以数百家企业、商店和商店而闻名 Yuelu District 有几个 中餐馆, 便利店, 大学, 杂货商店, 餐馆, 服装店, 自动取款机, 汽车服务站, 药房, 鞋店, 网吧, 酒店, 彩票零售商, 夜总会, 建材店, 公司, 幼儿园学校, 政府机关, 医院, 和 卡拉OK吧. 该地区还以著名的地方而闻名,例如 Hunan University, Central South University, Hunan University of Technology and Commerce, 梅溪湖公园, Hunan First Normal University, Lushan International Experimental School, Yuelushan National Key Scenery Area (East Gate), 茉莉花国际酒店, Changsha University of Science and Technology, 和 Changjun Bilingual Experimental School.