Traditional Jinling Steamed Bun Stuffed With Juicy Pork

Traditional Jinling Steamed Bun Stuffed With Juicy Pork 是一个 Chinese restaurant 位于 Zhifu District, Yantai, Shandong. 它是其中之一 433251 中餐馆 在 中国. 地址 Traditional Jinling Steamed Bun Stuffed With Juicy Pork 是 Zhichu Rd, Zhifu District, Yantai, Shandong, China.Traditional Jinling Steamed Bun Stuffed With Juicy Pork 周围有很多列出的地方.

周边的一些地方 Traditional Jinling Steamed Bun Stuffed With Juicy Pork 是 -

Huiwanjia Chain Supermarket (购物中心) Zhichu Rd, Zhifu District, Yantai, Shandong, China (大约. 315 米)
Longda Meat (农贸市场) Zhichu Rd, Zhifu District, Yantai, Shandong, China (大约. 269 米)
知初街道办事处南仓卫生院 (政府医院) 中国山东省烟台市芝罘区芝楚路 (大约. 274 米)
Yantai Nongshang Bank (银行) Zhichu Rd, Zhifu District, Yantai, Shandong, China (大约. 157 米)
Yantai Nongshang Bank 24-hour Self-service Bank (自动柜员机) Zhichu Rd, Zhifu District, Yantai, Shandong, China (大约. 158 米)
CPC Zhichu Residential District Zhichu Residential Area Committee Zhichu Rd, Zhifu District, Yantai, Shandong, China (大约. 177 米)
Zhichu Elementary School (小学) Zhichu Rd, Zhifu District, Yantai, Shandong, China (大约. 310 米)
Yantai Zhichu Kindergarten (幼儿园学校) Zhichu Rd, Zhifu District, Yantai, Shandong, China (大约. 267 米)
Yu Yangxindi Kindergarten (幼儿园学校) Zhichu Rd, Zhifu District, Yantai, Shandong, China (大约. 287 米)
育阳大地幼儿园 (幼儿园学校) Zhifu District, Yantai, Shandong, China (大约. 351 米)

在不到半千米的范围内 Traditional Jinling Steamed Bun Stuffed With Juicy Pork, 你也可以找到Yantai Bus Group Company Ltd. Automobile Repair Branch, Xiangrikui Photo Studio, Tianye Internet Bar, Shengda Internet Bar, Bangbang Stretched Noodles Home Cooking Restaurant, Bingyuanju Restaurant, Mong Kok Home Cooking, Mengyin Bachelor Chicken Restaurant, Binhua Steamed Bread Shop, Tasty Shashlik Barbecue, Tongfutai Hotel, Fenglaiyi Restaurant, Tongfutai Hot Pot Restaurant, Yantai Zhichu Materials Shopping Center, Wanyuan Supermarket, Fumin Supermarket, Huarong Store, Chaoming Fruits & Vegetables Shop, Shandong Huajian Aluminium Sales Agency 还有很多.

有几个 中餐馆 大约 Traditional Jinling Steamed Bun Stuffed With Juicy Pork. Bangbang Stretched Noodles Home Cooking Restaurant, Mengyin Bachelor Chicken Restaurant, Binhua Steamed Bread Shop, 和 Tasty Shashlik Barbecue 是一些 中餐馆 靠近 Traditional Jinling Steamed Bun Stuffed With Juicy Pork.


Traditional Jinling Steamed Bun Stuffed With Juicy Pork 和 Asia Hotel 之间的距离约为 6 公里
Traditional Jinling Steamed Bun Stuffed With Juicy Pork 和 Hotel Pacific 之间的距离约为 7 公里
Traditional Jinling Steamed Bun Stuffed With Juicy Pork 和 Penglai Chun 之间的距离约为 6 公里
Traditional Jinling Steamed Bun Stuffed With Juicy Pork 和 张裕酒文化博物馆 之间的距离约为 8 公里





Zhichu Rd, Zhifu District, Yantai, Shandong, China



地址是什么 Traditional Jinling Steamed Bun Stuffed With Juicy Pork?
地址 Traditional Jinling Steamed Bun Stuffed With Juicy Pork 是 Zhichu Rd, Zhifu District, Yantai, Shandong, China.
哪里是 Traditional Jinling Steamed Bun Stuffed With Juicy Pork 位于?
Traditional Jinling Steamed Bun Stuffed With Juicy Pork 位于 Zhifu District, Yantai, Shandong.
